Composed of dedicated modules that do not require additional licences and fees
The environment consists of
modules specially designed for its needs that do not require additional licences and fees.
Matali Physics Core,
Matali Render,
Matali Content,
Matali Sound and
Matali Synth are advanced, modern, multi-platform, high-performance engines dedicated to specific applications, which can also be used as separate libraries.
Matali Games is also qualified as a module, but has a different function. It is an advanced, modern, multi-platform, high-performance intermediate layer that allows
Matali Physics Core to communicate with other modules, and defines applications of the environment.
Matali Games is provided as a set of complete projects dedicated to
supported platforms and IDEs (with full specific and shared C++ source code), which can then be compiled into executable files.
Matali Games can contain many sets of projects. Currently available is the main set under the name Matali Physics Game.